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Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:43 am by V

but I renewed it.

what have YOU done today, TR?

also I'm not sure if heartbleed effected us but you should probably not change your password, the jitterbug gang are working hard and they need …

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Grey. Empty Grey.

Post by Charon Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:16 pm

(Okay guys, this is an ARP set in the typical TR/AQW world, with the introduction of a little more technology. You can use either your AQW character or an Original Character, or both, but you are only allowed to have two characters to limit confusion. No god playing, and no farfetched characters.)

Charon's house was alive with the sounds of TR members partying. The Staff had created their own little gathering, and Ry and Flaw were arguing avidly about which monster was better: zards or cacti.
"But Zards are more manly, yet they still have the cute factor!" Ry declared.
"Zards smell funny. Cacti are pretty, and green, and pokey, and just completely wonderful!" Flaw retorted.
"You do realize that cacti aren't even monsters, right, Flawsie?" Charon queried.
"Oh. Well... I guess you win this time, Ry."
Just then, Shadow burst into the circle. "Hey guys, urgent message for Vamp. Something about a fish market."
"Ooh, I've been waiting for this for weeks!" Vamp said, grabbing the note and dashing madly through the crowds and out of the house. The rest of the group stared after him, dumbstruck. Then they all roared with laughter.

Zard : Grey. Ezzy
Number of posts : 2052
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Location : The Shadows


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Cial Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:27 pm

Cial followed close behind, keeping up a steady pace behind Vamp.
"For SPARTA!!!" He yelled, a red gloved fist high in the air.
He was dressed in a royal suit, with a Santa hat on and a hockey stick in his grasp. Now he was wearing red knit gloves, which Flaw gave him for Christmas. Cial began to pass Vamp.
"Better keep up! He said, "Or you won't have the strength to be our leader anymore, Vee."
I am your mother

Zard : Grey. 2djta8i
Number of posts : 3457
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Age : 28
Location : A nice, padded room.

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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Deathclaws Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:42 pm

Unnoticed by most, but perhaps not all, a lone figur was quietly sipping from his Chardonnay in one of the lone corners of Charon's mansion. The dry wine did its brand justice, and DC found himself intrigued by the taste, the rest of the world losing focus, and the overall warmth shooting into his limbs
~I need this bottled and send to my house asap...~

His eyes started to adjust to the light that illuminated the entire party, he still wasn't used to walking outside of the shadows ~Its unhealthy~

His black trenchcoat had been losely buttoned, 2 daggers hanging freely as always at his belt. A panama hat covered part of his eyes, leaving just a small slit to peer out of. Pale hands were covered by leather gauntlets, as dark as the night itself.

DC buried his white face in said gauntlets as he beheld Vamp and Cial rush out of the door, apparently eager to make it to a fish market ~This place is nothing more than a nutshell~ Ry and Flaw were the next to be inspected, but he didn't even bothered when a slight breeze, possibly produced by V and C's sudden flight, carried part of their conversation his way ~And theres a generous amount of nuts here too~ The Necromancer remained in his corner, not too eager to join the rest ~New Worst case scenario: I'll become one of them~

Note: ~ is DC thinking ~

Number of posts : 339
User Points : 24123

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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Flaw of Insanity Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:11 am

"What I don't understand though..." Ry continued with his argument, even after seemingly winning it, "Is why you would think a cactus is so powerful?"

Flaw sat there, if he didn't have a massive skull mask on, he would have raised an eyebrow, "Have you even had several bandits attack at once and all you have was a cactus?"

"Yes I have." Ry answered, without skipping a beat, "It was a prickly situation," he laughed, receiving a groan from everyone but Flaw, who probably laughed louder than Ry.
Flaw of Insanity
Flaw of Insanity
Ready for take off.

Zard : Grey. 2ebtl7c
Number of posts : 2856
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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Winnie Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:33 pm

Winnie sighed off in the corner. "I'd have to side with Flaw on this one, Actually." She said. "Zards you can get with your bare hands, unhurt."

"I suppose, but go find one a kill a cactus ingame!" Ryzaa retorted, staring at Winnie and Flawsie.

"I think I'll just go back to the inn before everyone gets totally drunk."

"Cya Win." Everyone said, as she walked out the door. Nobody really knew much about her, except that she didn't like to stay in one place for more than 20 minutes, and that she can pull up and quote from any broadway musical in thw universe to give you advice. She also sang a lot.

As she walked through the door, a loud roar came from the sky. It was going to rain.

She walked home, as the rain fell on her. Somthing had been really bothering her latley. She didn't care if she had run away, she had to get out of that meeting.

Zard : Grey. Cosmicl
Number of posts : 3889
User Points : 387987
Age : 100
Location : The corner. Over there. See?


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Ryzaa Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:54 pm

Everyone heard the rain start to pour, Charon sent out another round of drinks, Flaw went back to his cactus, Ry went to tend to Fredrick -who was out in the rain and could catch a cold D:!

*it's 12:30pm.., I can't think straight..*

Zard : Peregrine's rock.
Number of posts : 1692
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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Shadow Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:29 pm

"I agree with Flaw, cacti are fluffy, cute and awesome!" Shadow said, still puffing from his long run from the docks.

"So Shadow, tell us how your trip to Lolosia went..." Charon inquired curiously.

Shadow hated the sea and everything about it, especially the smell of salt. He despised it, even loathed it. He would have been much happier in a dark and largely uninhabited forest anytime. But he had an important mission, he was sent by Vamp himself to find the fish market that the quirky leader of TR was so interested in. This mission was a complete secret, Shadow was not allowed to know why he was sent off to Vamp's bidding, and none of the other TR members knew a thing about it.

Shadow had been searching the bustling docks all day, and the rancid smell of the dirty pirates was starting to rub off on his his pristine tuxedo. He was just about to give up, when he saw what looked like the stall out of the corner of his eye. He didn't know why this one was so special, but he was specifically told to find the one that had one fish for every colour of the rainbow.

"I wonder why this crazy stall is so important," Shadow mused to himself before making his long journey back to Charon's house.

(I've never done any RPing before, but Charon suggested I post here, so I thought I'd give it a go. I'm not actually approved... is that ok?)
this is a title

Number of posts : 3430
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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Deathclaws Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:14 am

DC flipped his dagger from his belt impatiently, getting annoyed by all the rucus, and the constant blabbering about pointy vegetables. A reason to abandon the party revealed itself as winnie took her leave, DC made his way after her quietly, gripping his fine leather coat from the rack and pushing open the oak door, leaving Charon's house behind himself through a curtain of silver drops. He did not put the coat on, just carried it with him
~It cleanses body, spirit, soul~ he welcomed the cold drops penetrating his harnass, finding their way onto his bare skin and chilling him to his core. It felt refreshing, after the hot and rather disgusting establishment there was no reason to shield himself from it. Winnie was a mere figur within the dark shadows cast by a sunless sky and large, ominous trees. After walking quietly for some time he yelled out to her
"Melady Winnie, you'll catch a cold death in this rainy weather" he shouted, a cold breeze sweeping most of his words into nothingness ~Blast and Damnation~. He attempted to close the distance and extended ohne arm to grip, what he suspected was, Winnies shoulder "What brings a charming lady like you into a grey winter's day like this one" he asked in a jovial tone "If you don't mind me asking of course" he added quickly ~Let us not seem impolite at first glance~

Number of posts : 339
User Points : 24123

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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Charon Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:11 am

"Lovely story, Shad. So what did you find that Vamp wanted so much?" Charon asked.
"Well, he had wanted me to find information about the Fish of Origin, the most ancient and powerful fish that there ever was, and he had heard that a certain Lolosian stall might have some information about it. I went and checked it out for him, and it turns out that he was right, the vendor did know something about it, but he would only talk to Vamp directly." Shadow said.
"Interesting." Charon replied.

Last edited by Charon on Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:46 am; edited 1 time in total

Zard : Grey. Ezzy
Number of posts : 2052
User Points : 2147489550
Age : 32
Location : The Shadows


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Winnie Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:52 am

Winnie turned her head, the rain falling on her face. Her eyes were a silky brown, and her hair was shining on the streetlights. "Hi." She said, Sighing. She decided to answer the question. "I'm not Cold, DC. I'm never cold." She contined. "And I'm hiding."

"Do you do this often?"

"A bit. Only when it gets too loud, or too busy. I like quiet places better."


"I'm here becuase there's one person in this world that just makes my fingers teem with rage."

"Mind telling me who?"

"Yes. It's a secret."

"If you ever need a friend, I'm here."

Winnie smiled.
"Friendship is thicker than blood." DC Reminded her.

"That depends."
She walked off. She took a leather jacket out of her pack. She put it on, over her black shirt, and shivered in the cold.

Zard : Grey. Cosmicl
Number of posts : 3889
User Points : 387987
Age : 100
Location : The corner. Over there. See?


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by V Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:56 am

// Scene Switch: Outside on the outskirts of Lolosia, Cial and V are "racing" to wherever their destination is.

Cial and V were now a good 2 miles away or so away from the Lolosia, churning up the the slippery hills of the Swordhaven Meadows. "We should be at the Neverbridges soon." Vamp said.

*Neverbirdges, a narrow, broken, and dangerous path laid out across the sea to get from Lolosia. Due to constant Wild Hydra Attacks, Tidal Waves, and Rouges, boat travel was much more popular at the time. Of course, if you needed to get to Lolosia fast, it was your only choice.

"Cial, you need to take off your belt." Vamp muttered as they trekked through the muddy outskirts of Swordhaven. "Ew, no!" Cial spattered out in disgust. "No no, not like that." Vamp said, facepalming. "You need to take off any large metal objects before we start venturing across the Neverbridges. With all the lightning dancing in the sky, you have a high chance of being hit when it's just sea." Vamp finished. "Yeah, right!" Cial said, chuckling. Now reaching the seashore of Swordhaven, Cial started prancing around, poking fun at Vamp's statement. "This isn't going to end well..." Vamp muttered, but before he could get another word out, a glare followed with a large vibrating CLAP! smashed into the beach, hitting Cial's left arm.

"Aah, Vamp!" Cial cried. After waving his arms to get through the smoke, he muttered "You see? Bad idea!" but before V could go on, he realized that Cial was in critical condition. He knew he had to get to those stalls fast, so he asked Cial "If I construct a burrow for you, will you be able to heal and get back to base? "I-- I guess so." Cial said in a fragile tone. After wiping the salty foam from the wet sand, Vamp closed his eyes, raised his hand, and started to focus his mana into a tree trunk. Within seconds, a large glob of salt water slapped into the trunk. After the foamy white salt washed away, it seemed to of left a large whole in the trunk. Fortunately, below the trunk was a hollow cove, giving Cial shelter. "Can you rest here?" Vamp asked. "Yeah, but... Hey did you do tha--" But before he could finish, Vamp simply said "It was just a simple Xia spell. Now please, take my coat and wrap it around your hand. It should give you enough of a bandage to stop your bleeding."

*Xia Spell: Meele-Based spell, meaning if enough Mana was available at the time, it could be used without any preparation or spell preset. The reason Xia spells aren't commonly used is because their considered to lethal for common-folk, so the more advance scriptures are usually kept hidden in temples.

With a hasty dash, V started to trek upon the sloshing Neverbridges. He could see a blurry ship in the distance, as the sky flashed with lightning. "This isn't going to be fun..." V said, as he cloaked his head with a black hood.

After about a mile of jumping, slipping, crawling and hopping, V could make out the horizon of Swordcove*. With a smile almost hitting his face, he continued walking on the now very narrow bridges. Right then, he could hear cannons firing in in the opposite direction. Squinting, he could see that it was coming from a ship with the initials engraved "SD" on it. "S.. Sea... Sea Dragons, perhaps?" Vamp muttered to himself, hoping that it wasn't a malicious crew.

*Swordcove, a small extension of Swordhaven that was originally used to scope out enemy ships that were going to attack Swordhaven. The troops on Swordcove would use Dwakel messenger technology to alert the Pactagonal Knights, were they could set up the appropriate strategies for the situation. However, ever since the alliance between Swordhaven and Lolosia, Swordcove has now turned into a small trading community, with everything from home-cooked pasta, to boats.

With a sigh of relief, Vamp set foot on Swordcove Bay. Greeted with a Bellringer, he was asked "Tourist or Resident?" the Bellringer asked. "Rarehunter." Vamp said in return.

Setting foot into the brisk, misty town of Swordcove, Vamp was trying to scoe out a small boat -- or even a trained Hydra. After a few minutes into his search, he spotted a man in blue overalls that seemed to be a BeastKeeper. Vamp waved his arm to him and shouted across the street "Do you sell Travel Hydra, sir?" "Yes, of course!" he said in return.

Vamp walked across the street into his small shack, which was actually a small storefront followed by a olympic-sized aquarium, filled with Hydra that appeared to be bouncing a red ball from one to another. "They certainly aren't Alfredo... But they'll have to do." Vamp muttered to himself. "Alfredo?" the BeastMaster asked. "Oh, nothing." Vamp replied, as he pointed to the once he wanted to rent*. After eyeballing the Hydra, he looked at V and said "300,000 Gold, sir!" The BeastMaster said with a large smile. "They aren't cheap, are they?" "Nope, but these guys will take you wherever you need to go; Sun or Thunder!" "Well good, because it's going to be quite a rough venture. Are they fire-trained*?" "Of course! These Hydra aren't amateurs."

*Renting Hydra, or even training Hydra, was a strange policy Swordcove adapted. Adventurers, Pirates, Rarehunters, and questers alike would rent Hydra to take them across the Sea. When told, the Hydras would fly back to Swordhaven. Most creatures obviously would not be able to do this, but Hydra's had complex brains, similar to the ones of Homing Pigeons.

*Firetrained Hydras are a rare strain of Hydra that could blow a Salty, Scalding fire out of their mouth when instructed to do so. Strangely enough, if they felt that the situation was injustice, they would hold back and get violent to their holders.

Without further discussion, Vamp tossed the BeastMaster a large sack with the payment, and whistled to the selected Hydra. The Hydra leaped up from the aquarium and playfully nuzzled V, as he chuckled. "Alright Buddy, it's time that we've set out!" Seeming as if the Hydra understood, the BeastMaster tossed Vamp the appropriate riding equipment. He hopped onto the Hydra, and with a quick "Whoosh!" they flew up and launched into the windy Sea.

//Meanwhile: Back to Deathclaws/Winnie.

Alfredo the Sock Dragon* wrapped a dark green scarf around his neck and stepped foot outside of his cozy home into the horrid rainy weather. Hearing Deathclaws shout for Winnie peaked his curiosity, so he decided to fly in the direction of the distress. After a few settle flaps of his wings, he saw DC and Winnie talking to eachother. "I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but there is something I need to ask you." Alfredo continued "Have you seen Vamp anywhere? He left Jeff at home, and well... He never leaves Jeff.

*Alfedo's Persona: A normal Sock Dragon that can change in size at will, and has a settle British accent. Enjoys Soft Cheeses and Mango Juice.

"The last time I've seen that preposterous Vampire was him darting through Charon's mansion looking for some Multicolored Fish."
He looked at Deathclaws with a worrysome face. "Maybe you should ask someone at the pub, eh Alfredo?" They heard a crash, followed by a scream that sounded like "CACTUS!". "Yeah, it's defiantly not too far away." They both chuckled.

-Sidenote: Sorry if this post seems to be mostly based off of my character, I just wanted to develop Vamps/Cial's adventure a bit more.

Zard : Grey. 2pt1bvm
Number of posts : 3752
User Points : 10237994
Age : 17
Location : USA


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Atriax Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:23 pm

@Graarg Didn't understand a word of that, lol.

Scene switch back to the mansion

Unknown to the friends in Charon's mansion, there was another in that room. Atriax the Darf Elf paladin was hidden not 2 meters away. But even if they had known he was there, they wouldn't have seen him.

He quietly crept down, and sat in between them. They both jumped, then chuckled, muttering something about dark elves in general.

"Nasty weather. I hope Vamp and Cial are ok." started Atriax. "I'm sure Vamp'll be ok, it's Cial I'm worried about. He always seems to get hurt." Was Winnie's response. She turned around, realizing that Atriax had slipped away once again. Not for the first time today, she mumbled something about drow.[img][/img]

Number of posts : 501
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Age : 2023
Location : In the shadows... and not Shadow the player, the dark kind of shadows.


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Deathclaws Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:13 pm

DCs jaw slightly dropped as a so- ~A SOCK DRAGON?!~ darted through the heavy rain towards him. Winnie replied to the strange abomination set before his eyes, but he was unable to utter a single sound ~That would look so unique on my wall....~ His hand rested on the hilts of his dagger ~Or in vinegar, to preserve it....~ muttering quietly to himself about the many possibilities that unfolded themselves. He handed Winnie his coat, not even listening to wether she took it or not "Warm yourself up, its thick leather...." he heard himself murmur as he was still googleing at the abnormal apparition ~Vamp's property huh?~. The world blurred around him, his target on the other hand, came into extreme focus ~One stab, arm off, two stabs, arteries opened, three stabs, DARN IT, ITS A DRAGON, NOT AN ELF!~

~Never mind that~ were the last thoughts that crossed his mind before he hurled himself forward, attempting to grab the dragon's neck with one arm while stabbing his dagger into any vital sock arterie that could possibly grant this abomination life. His aims were the necks and lungs, but he didn't know whether those would actually prove to be fatal points for such a strange dragon. The stench it radiated brought tears to his eyes, but he blinked them away as fast as a rogue possibly could ~How can a single being SMELL this much?~

-Sidenote: Sorry if this post seems to be mostly based off of my character, I just wanted to develop Vamps/Cial's adventure a bit more.
Isn't everyones RP be solely about THEIR actions?! Isn't that RP?!

Number of posts : 339
User Points : 24123

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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Winnie Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:51 pm

Winnie put the Jacket on, Now wearing 2 jackets and a black shirt. She wished she had plaid pants.

She watched in horror as the sock dragon began bleeding bad smells.

"DC." She said, looking at him stabbing it. "Please refrain from killing Vamp's pet sock dragon. It's a rare item, and since I was here when you did it, I'll have to be a witness to testify against you in court. We don't want that, do we?"

"...." DC Said, looking at her. "I Want it on my wall!"

"It's not yours!"



"Fine." DC Said, letting the dragon go. The smells wafted through the air and Winnie plugged her nose.

"It smells like Cysero's feet." She said, looking at the dragon. "Lets heal it up, before all of BattleOn can smell it..."

She took out a small bottle and poured it out on the sock dragon. It's wounds began to heal. Then Winnie removed a can, and began to spray the air.

"What's that?" DC Asked, confused.

"Air Freshener?" Winnie looked at him, smiling. "You've never heard of it?"

"Yes but why do you carry it with you?"

"For situations like this?"

Point taken, Winnie.

[NOTE: I've made at least one broadway reference in each of my posts except my first one. Find them!]

Zard : Grey. Cosmicl
Number of posts : 3889
User Points : 387987
Age : 100
Location : The corner. Over there. See?


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by V Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:03 am

As Winnie was healing Alfredo, while lecturing DC on how he couldn't go around stabbing people's pets, Alfredo slowly rose up, seeming to be partially healed.

"You have your prey right there, with full mana, spells, and weapons-- And all you can do is a deformed Falcon Punch?!" Alfredo spitted out, while a lilac-colored glow shined around his coat. It seemed to be giving him a different scent. Peach, perhaps?

Between Winnie's and Alfredo's lecturing, DC became angered again. Before even responding, he leaped into the air with a devious look, trying to puncture Alfredo with his dagger again. With a lift of Alfredo's paw, DC froze.

"DC, DC, DC..." "You should atleast know the creature your hunting! Almost all hunters know that Sock Dragons can alter their smells at will- With another curious little ability - Alteration of gravity!"* Alfredo stated with a sarcastic chuckle. Winnie now having her jaw open with all of the events, she stood back as Alfredo swiped DCs Dagger. "Keh, you amateur little renegade." And without further dialog, Alfredo poofed in a large clap.

With Alfredo gone, DC seemed to of been unfrozen. "You don't always have the best judgement, DC..." Winnie glared. "But-- That was my Dag--""I don't want to hear it!" she said, as they continued to walk in the rain.

If I'm writing something large, I'd want it to make sense in the order of events. Is there something wrong with that?

Defyyyyying Graaaaaaaavity!!!!!

Defyyyyyyyyyyinh DC!!!!!!

Both good ideas. o:

Last edited by V on Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:40 am; edited 3 times in total

Zard : Grey. 2pt1bvm
Number of posts : 3752
User Points : 10237994
Age : 17
Location : USA


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by 5secondchaos Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:31 am

As Cial returned to number 13, Shadow'ing road back to Charons large house, he met 5SecondChaos as he was coming out of the door.

"Hello Cial are you alright? You look a little shaken up to say the least"

"Yes yes Five, I'm fine. Its not me you should be worried about though. Its Vamp, he left me in a hollow tree and wen't off overseas to Swordcove" and then he took a big breath in, and at that moment Five frowned then gave a whistle.

"So why did he leave you in a hollowed out tree?"

"Well Vamp told me to take off my belt" At this Five sniggered. "Carry on", "Well he told me to take off my belt so the lightning would'nt hit me, and I gave the same reaction as you and started laughing, this was a vital mistake. Because at that moment the lighting struck the bracelet on my left wrist and knocked me off my feet" Just as Cial had finished his speech, Five's Platinum Dragon, Elthain*, landed down next to Cial.

"Well Cial, sounds like a good story, me and the rest of TR would like to hear it. But when I get back. For now, you go inside and rest." At this Five climbed upon his Dragon and bellowed "Up". The dragon gave a jurk of his ankle's and a flap of his wings and then became airboure. It flew away in the direction of Vamparagons house, as Cial stepped inside he was greeted by Charon, Ryzaa and Flawsie who were still arguing about the Cactus and Fredrick.

Heehee... isn't that just a rearrangement of the letters in Elnaith? xD

I have only just realised, I have had that name since before I joined TR so you cant sue me for copyright infrigment. I'm going to change his name now.

Last edited by 5secondchaos on Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:13 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Typo Fairy's...)
Platinum Vampire - Art Fanatic!

Zard : Grey. Fireh
Number of posts : 1476
User Points : 21644
Age : 30

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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Winnie Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:50 am

Winnie walked back to the Inn, and went to her room. After giving DC His coat back.

She shut the door behind her and locked it. The water fell on her window, blurring it. It's like visions, She thought. You can't see the lines.

She pulled out her guitar and began to strum it profusely. For some reason the same tune came out as a thousand times before. Mabye that was becuase it was the first song she learned. Mabye it was sheer boredom.

Unadulterated Boredom. <--Wicked!

She strummed the strings to the farmilliar tune, and put it back in the corner. She sighed. Of all the things that were going on, music should have been the least of her worries.


All she ever wanted was to be an Artist. I didn't matter what kind, she loved all forms of art. Except Dada art. Eww.

She had pained, drawn, and sang as a little girl. She always wanted to be a singer. She had loved to act with her friends, and grew to love Broadway. She was Elphaba in Wicked in elementary school. She wrote plays. She wrote musicals. She acted them out with her friends. She pulled out "Furrbies of Doom" and began to play the opening number. The staging was also written, and she imagined the actors she invisioned so long ago prancing around the stage.

She then realised how stupid that must have just sounded.

She trashed it and pulled out "The Regulars", a musical she was writing. The lines were thicker on the paper than before, and her ink was running dry.

She sighed and went to sleep.

[HAHA! FIND THE REFERENCES! There are 3 this time... I don't think anyone will get the third one... ever... ever...ever...

Hint: Why are we friends with these people?]

Zard : Grey. Cosmicl
Number of posts : 3889
User Points : 387987
Age : 100
Location : The corner. Over there. See?


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Deathclaws Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:52 am

DC stared into nothingness, the events that had just occured in front of his eyes finally hitting his rather sensitive nerves, reality becoming nothing but a dull grey "I lost...." the words came from his mouth like death rattles. He stopped in his tracks, his gaze fell upon the dagger, tainted with sock dragon blood, still several feet removed from his grasp "I lost to a...." His body trembled, his eyes watered, and the cold wind wasn't quite responsable for it. He fell to his knees, first, deep red tears, running down his face, the sanguine liquid disturbing the puddles the rain had formed as it fell "How, why, where did I...." ~Gravity altered~ He slammed his fist into the mud, over and over again, and didn't stop when he heard joints crack and bones shatter as it hit the solid rock beneath ~Dragon's magic~ Eventually he lost the strength to slam his fist down as his hands grew numb "I'm a failure....

The world regained none of its many colors as he arose, his unharmed hand shooting upwards to pull his hat over most of his face ~Do not weep, you cannot alter the past. But the future, perhaps it holds more than just lost battles~ He averted his eyes, unable to look at winnie "Leave me Melady, leave me to myself while I still behave human" he murmured, just loud enough for Winnie to hear. His feet moved on their own accord as he staggered into the forest, leaving his dagger to rest in the dirt "I need time to think...." Winnie had already taken off anyway, and after she had returned his coat he had merely dropped it to the ground ~Extra weight, unneeded like my own miserable existence~

If I'm writing something large, I'd want it to make sense in the order of events. Is there something wrong with that?
Actually, i was saying that it was GOOD, how you only played yourself and made sense of the events. I don't see why people control other characters. They don't BELONG to them. it just makes them harder to develop for the original author, and fights aren't fun at all.

Actually, I was replying to Winnie when she said reserving posts [s]wasn't right.[/s] unprofessional.

I NEVER SAID THAT! I SAID "What's up with the reserving posting", BUT NOT THAT IT WASN'T RIGHT! DON'T MISPHRASE ME!

"What's up with the reserving posting" and you then stated that it seemed unprofessional for Advanced Roleplay. Did you not?

Number of posts : 339
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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Winnie Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:28 am

The next morning, Winnie woke up with her feet on her pillow and her head where her feet normally go. Her covers were strewn aside.

"Rough night, eh." She said, sitting up. She was still fully dressed and hadn't intended to fall asleep when she did. She wondered what time it was.

She glanced over at the clock. 9:30. She was late. Again.

She wake up, took a shower, and put on a purple velvet shirt and black pants. She Grabbed her jacket and walked out of the room.

By 10:00 she was standing in her spot at the regulars official meeting. She hadn't missed much. Ryzaa and Flaw were still arguing. This made her wonder if they had stayed up all night and just moved 10 feet over.

Vamp's house was packed. Official mod meeting. There was Special, sitting in his spot. He had a broken arm, and looked sad.

She whispered to him. "Hey, where were you?"

"I was on Vamp's business with him. Got struck by lightning." He replied, rolling his eyes. "Stupid shirt has metal..."

"Sorry. You ok?" She asked him, looking at his arm. "It looks like that bled for awhile."

"Yeah. I was stuck in a tree for awhile. Used some cloth as a bandage. After awhile it wasn't really helping any so I just had to let it bleed."

"That's never a good idea." Winnie said, reviewing her healing skills. She gave up healing after awhile, but was still knowlegeable.

"I know, but what was I supposed to do?"

"Take your cape and make a small bandage and replace it every 1-2 hours?"

"...that was retorical."

"Sorry. Why are we here?"

"Becuase. vamp called us here to talk about his discovery. He's not here yet though."

"So were farting around?"


"Ok. Thanks."

At that moment, Vamp walked in. Everyone greeted him and got in their seats around the large table. Vamp began...

[This one's Hiding. :) HINT: Usually I hide them in the first few paragraphs. Muahahah!]

Zard : Grey. Cosmicl
Number of posts : 3889
User Points : 387987
Age : 100
Location : The corner. Over there. See?


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Atriax Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:50 am

Atriax was once again hiding in the shadows, albeit in a different room now.
In fact, although he wasn't a mod, he was in the mod meeting room.
Atriax often came to these meetings, always uninvited. He knew he'd get into trouble if he was caught, but the chances of that happening were slim.
He was a paladin, so not as stealthy as an assassin, but a dark elf is a dark elf, and dark elves are good at not being seen. As he settled down to watch the meeting, Ilyx flew to him silently and stealthily. Atriax, startled, jumped down into plain sight. Several angry faces greeted him, but he knew the punishment could wait. Ilyx' report was very worrying. A small force of orcs were making their way to the TR stronghold.

Number of posts : 501
User Points : 27404
Age : 2023
Location : In the shadows... and not Shadow the player, the dark kind of shadows.


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by V Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:11 am

"Greetings, everyone!" Vamp said with a concerned smile. "I usually wouldn't ask you to come to a meeting on Saturday morning, but I have important news."

"As you might of known, I have been searching for a particular stall in Lolosia that held strangely colored fish- That are actually Water Imps." Vamp took a variety of koi-looking creatures out of his backpack, as they whisked around in a nearby fishbowl. "You should know that I haven't just hunted these brilliant creatures for hobby purposes, no, that stall and these creatures held something much more divine in them." "It would take a long time to explain the whole thing; But I will say is its a Spell, a Hex, an Essence... Or something that could make Lore a much brighter place - And put a end to this reign of Chaos held by Drakath."

"The second reason I'm bringing you here is because a group of Sea Dracomancers called the 'Sea Dragons' were also perusing these Water Imps. for their own selfish purposes" "Unfortunately, they seem to of sent a hoard of Orcs to thwart our plans, and even worst, they managed to steal 'The Fish of Origin'."

Vamp continued, "Ryzaa, Rage, Flaw, I need you to get the members ready for the battle. Since these Orcs aren't agile creatures, an attack from above would be our best bet. I'll leave the rest up to you." He turned again "... Atriax. You've been a good enough sleuth to evade our vision for quite a few of these conferences, so I'm going to give you the job of seeing what kind of battle we're dealing with. Since theres lakes all around this base*, take my Hydra and try to scope out as much as you can."

*This particular base was located in Green Guard West.

With the short, brute commands Vamp finished up with "Me and Alfredo will be going along with Atriax to spy, and possibly get a head start of battling these gu--" Ry cut in, "Vamp, will you be okay? I mean... What if theres Chaos Draconians?" Vamp replied, "Alfredo has a good handle of freezing opponents, and we all have full Mana counts. We'll be fine! Now please, get our fortress ready for battle."

Without further ado, all of the TR staff ran off in different directions to prepare for the battle. V gave Atri a nod, and they set off into their sleuthy journey.

Zard : Grey. 2pt1bvm
Number of posts : 3752
User Points : 10237994
Age : 17
Location : USA


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Winnie Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:38 am

Winnie sighed. Grrrrrrrr. What the heck. She walked over to Vamp.

"Vamp." She said, looking at him.


"Am I in charge of anything?"


"Oh, ok, bye."

She didn't walk away.
Winnie was half glad half sad. She was never out in charge of anything. Ever. She got demoted from being an official allout mod for deglecting her job. Once. She'd made a point of getting better. She had. She always did her job now.

It was on December 30th, 9:17, so that means it had been almost a year. Her thoughts confirmed. After a whole year of hard work..

"I guess I'll see you at the showdown. I'll try to get Kayleen to go."

[Oh so hidden... oh so well hidden...]

Zard : Grey. Cosmicl
Number of posts : 3889
User Points : 387987
Age : 100
Location : The corner. Over there. See?


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Deathclaws Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:22 am

DC had spend the last night within the forest, frequently assaulted by smaller or larger zards. The few plates on his leather armor had been dented, and large parts of his unprotected limbs showed deep claw and bite marks. His face was pale, his hat had been shredded to bits (a loss he couldn't quite cope with) and his endurance was nearing it's limit. Thick green blood dripped from his dagger as he stumbled deeper into the forest. A clearing revealed itself, low groans and rather rough shouts. What he found when he pulled aside twigs and leaves, was an encampment of sorts. Hides, the stench of orcs in the air. As he staggered into the open, the greenhide sentries' eyes widened in shock ~Have I turned into such an abominable figure?~ He briefly looked down at himself, finding that he was indeed bleeding from several deep cuts, and he could imagine that his broken nose had turned his face into quite a mess. He swept blood encrusted hair aside to get a better view, then spoke in broken orcish a few words ~Thank god languages is one of the few things I actually didn't suck in~
"I come not to haunt or harm you, as dread an apparition I might be"
Heavy axes left their belts and sheaths and DC finally noticed how his hand was still clutching the dagger. He dropped it quickly, bowing his head and holding his hands up
"I am a mere wanderer, seeking solace. I promise to pay you in gold and service, or may the spear of glorious Gruumsh cleave my head in twain"

They grunted for quite some time, yet DC did not lift his head for a second. The orcs grabbed him by his neck and shoulders, urging him forward with cold brutality. He did not dare move anything but his legs, as he was brought before the warlord for inspection. A bulk of greenish meat, a heavy double bladed Axe behind his throne of bones and horn, the warlord was indeed a sight that would freeze the blood if faced on a battlefield. DC fell to his knees as the guards loosened their hold, not intentionally, but strength was leaving him with every drop of blood he lost. Suspicious eyes observed him, gazed briefly at the many dents on his armor, then the warlord snorted once before lifting his heavy axe and trodding forward
"Tell me, elf" And his voice echoed in DCs ears in broken elfish "Why spare your life when it would be so much easier to create a goblet out of your empty skull?" DC reflected on these words for a few seconds, then spoke quietly and slowly, realizing that one wrong word would cost him his life "Dread lord, I come to you a humble servant. If it is your will to stop my beating heart, there is no need to hestitate. Yet I beg you, let me prove to you that my service is of value. Let me show you how my blades can dance to the tune of your wardrums" A shiver ran down his spine, as he saw the grip of the warlords hands tighten around his axe "And you have my oath, you will not regret it" Silence fell once again upon the hut, as the orc chief considered the words of the bleeding elf before him
"A man with this many wounds should be dead, yet you grovel before me, your lungs breathing and your heart beating. If Yurtrus rejects you, there must be reason for your coming here"

DC did not see how the warlord jerked his head in the direction of his 2 retainers, did not hear the coals sizzle, but as the burn mark of the one eyed deity Gruush was pressed into the naked skin on his back, he did indeed gasp in pain, yet bit on his tongue to prevent himself from screaming. The warlord grunted in approval as DC was dragged away by his hair, body and will broken.

He awoke hours later in an empty tent, first streams of daylight creeping in. His broken body had been tended to. They had scorched his wounds shut, knowing that every scar would remind him of his servitude "I made the right choice" He tried to convince himself ~I am not going to break this oath. There is no going back~ News of his arrival had spread, and after having a long conversation with the camp's smith, his armor had been mended, and his daggers reforged. A brand new shortsword dangled from his belt, a mask of iron now covered his face, forged in the shape of a leering demon. "We march today" came the grumpy voice of a wardrummer "You better prepare"
~March I will, against whatever fate will throw my way~
Little did he suspect....

Gentlemen, if you fight me, or interact with me, please don't just mend the outcome the way you want it. Winnie has already turned me into a brute who doesn't even know what air freshener is, Vamp has defied me, and if I face one of you on the battlefield, I don't just want you to write "DC recognized the TR members and turned on the orcs". Don't we all want to develop our characters ourselfes?

This is the way we RolePlay. We all contribute to the storyline, and we can use each others characters as long as we don't godplay. Meaning we can't just kill off someone's character without their assent.

Ok, everybody can now kill off my characters. I don't think I can survive this way, so just kill me off at some point and don't mourn.

Last edited by Deathclaws on Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:41 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 339
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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Charon Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:28 am

As all of TR emerged from their designated areas on and around the West Greenguard Fortress, they saw just how massive the approaching threat was. The Sea Dragons were apparently much more powerful than anyone had expected, for an army made up of hundreds upon hundreds of Orcs of all kinds was marching steadily toward them.

At the armys head was an Orc vehicle, made of wood and heavy iron*. Four Orcs dragged it along behind them, acting as beasts of burden. It wasn't covered, so there was a clear view of the ornate steel throne that adorned it. Upon this throne sat not an Orc, but an extremely tall and muscular man, clothed not in the robes of a king, but in the armor of a tank soldier. As the army reached the one strip of land that connected the massive fortress to the rest of Greenguard, the bethroned vechicle halted, the rest of the force following suit. The man rose from his throne and spoke, his voice booming across the open air that seperated him and the members of TR.

"Greetings, Vamparagon. I am Zamdine, the warlord of the Sea Dragons, and I've brought a little gift for your clan to make up for taking... this," he said as he lifted something into the air. He was close enough to the fortress that everyone could see the fish that he grasped. It looked to be as old as time itself. Its scales were pitch black, and small ridges of bone trailed across the length of its body. It had two icy blue eyes that glowed with potent magick. Although it was out of water, it didn't seem to be having any trouble breathing.

"The Fish of Origin!" Vamp gasped. "Your hands aren't fit to touch him! TR, we fight now!"

Hordes of TR members poured out of the fortress gates as the Orcs began to stampede down the stretch of land toward them. Swords and axes clashed, spells rocketed across the battlefield, and bodies fell to the ground on both sides. The hydras head reared out from the water with Atriax on top of it and breathed its salty flames on the Orcs. Flawsie and Alfredo led a group of members as they flew down through an altered gravity field onto the tops of the attackers. Ryzaa and Rage led the main attack force as they hacked away at their enemies. Charon acted alone, taking out every Orc that crossed his path with a combination of his Scion powers and his deadly scissors. At first, it looked like TR was winning.

But the Orcs kept coming.

They climbed onto the Hydra and pummeled it until it crashed into the lake, sending a wave over the warring clans. They began to adapt to TR's fighting style, knocking floating members out of the air with the flat sides of their broad axes, dodging spells, and countering attacks. Their brute strength would have eventually won their side the war if an immense burst of magic hadn't erupted in the middle of the field, seperating the forces and sending them back to their own sides. All of the warriors stared in wonder at the man at the center of where the blast had occured.

He wore an immaculate grey suit that was partially covered by dark grey, silver trimmed platemail. Dark black hair fell to his back. He rose one hand, pointed his finger at the Orc army, and uttered a string of words under his breath. The entire Orc force except for Zamdine turned grey, frozen in the positions that they had been in a moment before.

Every TR member's jaw dropped. They all looked at the stone army, then at each other, and then back again. Finally, they began to cheer. The man turned his head to look behind him, one cold eye staring at the joyous clan. "This victory comes at a price," he spoke without any emotion. The clan stopped and stared once more, this time in fear.

"What do you mean, a price? And who are you, anyway?" Charon asked in his sonorous baritone voice.

The man emitted what would have been a chuckle, had it not sounded so dead. "They call me Grey. And I want you, Scion." Before anyone could move, Grey spun around and pointed his finger at Charon, who turned to seeming stone just like the Orcs. Grey snapped his fingers, and Charon and the Orcs were teleported away.

"Hey, what have you done with my army!?" Zamdine bellowed from his throne, still holding the Fish. "Come down here and fight like a man, you coward!"

Grey disappeared and reappeared directly in front of the warlord. Zamdine's eyes widened as Grey slid his hand through his body and back again. Zamdine looked at the gaping hole where the center of his chest had been. Grey took the Fish from him as his eyes rolled back in his head. "Never doubt the power of Anima," he stated, and teleported away.

*Heavy Iron: A type of Iron that only Orcs know how to create. It is rougher than any other form of iron, but what it lacks in smoothness it makes up for in strength.

(Sorry for taking the entire battle scene, it was necessary)

Last edited by Charon on Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:22 am; edited 1 time in total

Zard : Grey. Ezzy
Number of posts : 2052
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Location : The Shadows


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

Post by Winnie Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:26 am

If you'd try to remember back to last september, You'd find that the world was quite different than it is in december.

Winnie sighed. Stupid fortune cookie.

Fortune cookies are always right.


Winnie was feeling emo. She's not emo- Just feeling emo at the moment. She didn't want to fight. She'd only fight if she was attacked first. Anyways, she wasn't that muscular...

She chipped at her black nail polish. Everyone was wearing black nail polish these days. It's so irrisistable... so clhippable...

She changed and went to bed. There was a long day ahead of her. She had decided to go stay home for awhile, wait till the way moved here. She knew it would.

Anyways, her policy had always been "Stay here, as long as Yulgar will go buy you ramen when your hungry you'll never have to leave."

She Looked out the window. The sun was rising. She went back to bed.

Zard : Grey. Cosmicl
Number of posts : 3889
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Age : 100
Location : The corner. Over there. See?


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Grey. Empty Re: Grey.

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