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but I renewed it.

what have YOU done today, TR?

also I'm not sure if heartbleed effected us but you should probably not change your password, the jitterbug gang are working hard and they need …

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TR: Zombie Outbreak

Angel of Grief
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Xusha Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:32 am

TR: Zombie Outbreak 4c3e6572dc770bann1

Going for innovation here.
This is a game. My objective here is to get creativity out of you all, and to create the possible zombie outbreak in TR castle. Anyone is welcome to post their ideas, and I will translate them to finish the story. There are of course rules to be followed, or this would be a bunch of immortals facing an endless hoard. The first chapter will be from Xusha's point of view, but depending upon what happens, there is no guarantee that she will live, and I may switch, taking the persona of someone else. The following rules are unobjectionable, final, and subject to change as seen fit.

1. I have the final say as to what happens.
2. You may not complain of my judgment.
3. If I assume the role of your character, you must not complain, as I will be basing it upon your submissions.
4. Do not submit what you want me to say. Submit what you want to do, and I will base the situation around it.
5. Do not demand I make things go as you wish. Your post will be deleted. Suggestions are fine.
6. You may die. Do not forget that. Xusha is also not immortal.
7. Make it realistic. Don't say you went to the market for towels and then bought an AK-47.
8. You WILL run out of ammo. Do not rely too heavily on a gun. Don't complain if you run out too soon to escape the situation at hand.

Camden Research Facility, March 6th 2011.

Prolouge:The Miracle

A figure is seen inside of TR castle, watching a high-definition plasma-screen 70 inch television in a large, comfortable lounge chair. The hour is very late, and it is almost midnight. Mostly everyone else in TR is sleeping, or at least in their rooms making preparations for bed. The breaking news story is being broadcast on every other channel, and was strongly encouraged by many world leaders to be viewed. A dozen or so reporters held their microphones to the direction of group of about twelve scientists, each answering people's questions. The figure watching seemed curious, and turned up the volume, to get a better listen to the announcements that these people were making.

"Our dear spectators... The message that follows is very important and I beg you not to change the channel! The city of Camden's scientists have discovered a cure for over twenty types of cancer! We are getting word that fifty of fifty people given the vaccine have shown no signs of cancer at all. We must strongly encourage everyone to get their vaccines now! We have just been informed that this vaccine can completely destroy any and all cancer cells within your blood stream, cure diabetes, high blood pressure, and many other illness that were once considered incurable. Governments from over fifty two countries have ordered large deposits of the vaccines, and our very own city is to be made the capital of the region!"

Even having gathered all of this information, the people seemed to be both shocked, and utterly confused. Nobody had understood anything of the mess, and at first everyone thought it was a hoax. How was it possible that the cure for cancer could be found so easily by such a small group of scientists that were not internationally famous? The figure sitting upon the chair tensed for a moment, before walking away. Meanwhile, the reporters greeted all of the cured cancer patients, and were astonished to see how healthy they all looked. The figure had left the room, but the story had turned bad, with no witness. One of the cured had thrown up blood, and died on the spot. The questions being asked were halted, and people began having second thoughts about the legitimacy of the cure that had been created. A man had died in plain sight, and the news was being streamed live, so many people world-wide had just witnessed a tragic event.

A few of the other patients began showing symptoms as well, and within ten minutes, four were dead. The people suddenly broke into a riot, attempting to get away from the area. To the horror of the scientists, one of the presumed dead stood from where his body had just been limp. One of the scientists yelled that it was a miracle, and proceeded to approach the man. The female scientist suffered a heavy bite to the neck, and the man ripped a huge chunk of flesh from her neck. She fell down, trying her best to keep the man off of her, but it was all for naught. Two of the other men had also risen and each was eating a separate section of her body. One of the male scientists pulled a scalpel, as to try to save her, but only to realize that she was now one of the creatures. Biting into his thigh, he let out a scream that caused many of the rioters to look over. The sight of the scientists being devoured caused absolute chaos, as people began trying to wrestle off the cannibals, only to each fail and become one of them. The reporter from the channel turned away from the situation, crying, but still trying to look professional.

"Barricade yourself, do not leave your homes, no matter what! Citizens of Camden are advised to-"

Those are the only words that she could get out before she was overwhelmed by the creatures. The cameraman backed up slowly, in a vain effort to save his own life. He never turned off the camera, but it was obvious that he was running in the opposite direction. A few moments of absolute terror that seemed like an eternity had passed, before his screams could be heard. The camera lens was soon covered in a red liquid for a few moments, before it fell to the ground, and the channel turned into static. This static remained on the channel for hours, until a man walked over to the television, and turned it off. This man happened to be Flaw, who then walked over to the door, as someone had knocked. Letting the man in, and escourting him to a chair, he went to go get Charon, a freshly crafted shotgun in his hands.

TR Castle, March 7th 2011.

Chapter One: Infection

Everything seemed normal the day where everything was brought to an end. I had stayed up very late the night before, due to a plethora of late night issues with my family, and not spending the following day with them. I had given them 19 years, and had decided that I should spend the following day with my friends, much to their dismay. It was my birthday, and I had just turned twenty years old. I had just woken up, but I already was certian that soon I would be to be garnished with gifts and have a merry time with all of my friends, but I took a deep breath, only to be horrified by the scent of rotting flesh. I had no idea what to expect, but logic alone informed me that I was going to need some sort of weapon. I decided to follow the safest strategy, and lock my room with the bolts before I searched. It wasn't much, but I didn't expect more preparations would be needed. I then searched the room frantically, and took the nearest plausible blunt object, a lead pipe. It was not too heavy, and still could still incapacitate with minimal effort, so it seemed the obvious choice. I was unnerved as to what would be lying outside of my room, but I gripped my makeshift weapon in my hands, and readied myself for the worst as I opened the door, my weapon in hand.

As I made my way outside of the door, pipe at the ready, I noticed the smell was not as strong as I originally had thought. Whatever was occurring, this section of TR's headquarters was at least secure for the moment. The immanent threat seemed to be lowered, but the smell still had be distressed me, as an ordinary wound would not leave such a powerful odor. Making sure the area was completely secure, I noticed a serious lack of TR members, as it was the norm for them to aimlessly wander, and I got the horrible feeling that I had missed something important in my slumber. I began walking down towards the east wing of the manor, slowly coming to the conclusion that this area had been evacuated. I was greeted at the corner of the hallway with a hand grabbing at my throat, which startled me, and caused me to drop my pipe during the confusion. It took me some time to realize that the person holding me was Noah, and I sighed softly, expecting to die here and there. Once she had realized that it was me, her grip loosened and she demanded I tell her my name. I was confused, but complied.

I had realized that my choice to reply was the best possible decision to make. Noah explained to me that a man seemingly seeking to join TR was brought in for an interview. This man seemed rather confused and brutish, and had passed out mid-meeting. The supervisor of the meeting, Charon, as well as a few others, ended up being bitten by the deluded man, and were evacuated to the infirmary for immediate treatment. The man had to be taken down by force, and Flaw was ready with a shotgun, as he had just got it from his blacksmith work. Noah didn't exactly know how progress in the infirmary was going, as it had gotten really quiet there, but she did know that at least two of the victims of the bite had died. I was puzzled slightly when she asked me to follow her, and it seemed as though she knew something I didn't. I told her that I would go anywhere with her, but that first I needed to eat something. As we walked to the kitchen, a loud scream filled the air, just as Noah tried to wish me a happy birthday.

Noah and I had paused for a few long moments due to the situation. The scream was bloodcurdling, and very much prolonged. Someone was in an immense pain, and the wreak of flesh only increased. I hastily reached for my pipe as Noah lunged and wounded my left arm with some sort of weapon that I couldn't quite make out, but I assumed was a scalpel. The wound was not very deep or painful, and Noah had taken a small sample of my blood, which startled me. I had no idea what was going on, and she seemed to be keeping a lot of information from me. I tried to ask her what exactly was going on, but the sound of another scream interrupted me. Two loud, agonizing scream filling the air, and my weapon at the ready, I completely lost my train of thought and decided to find out for myself what exactly was going on.

We continued down the halls discreetly, keeping out guard up, and each watching out for the other. Noah seemed scared to me, so I knew that whatever was happening was not going to be easy to handle. I was headed towards the main lobby, but Noah pulled me aside to a corner and pinned me to a wall. She slowly explained that the outer countryside had strange reports of cannibalistic traits, and that she had blockaded a place somewhere out in the city. I didn't quite make out everything she had just told me, due to both the shock and disbelief that slowly built up inside of me. Noah had suggested we take a turn, and head towards the weapons cache, whereas I tried to convince her that we should head to the armory. As we each argued our case, I heard footsteps nearby. Startled, I pushed Noah off of me and readied my pipe, only to see Vamparagon. Noah and I simultaneously gasped at the horror that was the remnants of his body. He had been mangled, was missing an arm, and it appeared that he had had chunks of his body ripped out.

I slowly backed up into a corner, as I could hear Vamparagon grunting and stumbling towards me. He walked in a deform walk, and his head shook with each step. Blood dripped from many different spots on his fancy suit, and I had no idea how to respond. He was obviously hurt very bad, but the look in his eyes was an evil look, and he was dragging his body towards me, growling and snapping his teeth at me. I closed my eyes and lunged the pipe towards him, and nailed him dead on, cracking some rips and stopping his heart. The force of the attack sent him flying backwards, much to my dismay. Noah quietly watched, and reached into her pocket for something. The angle of things made it impossible to see what exactly she grabbed, but she instructed that I stand back. I was quite confused, as I had just killed the leader of TR as he was about to harm me, and she was insisting I stand back. Then the thought had come that she assumed that I was wrong for the self defense, and that I would be cast out of TR.

As I contemplated the thought of exile, I decided it best to run, and retreated in the other direction. I ran with more speed in these moments of my life then ever before, or at least that's what it felt like. Tears shot down my face at the thought of killing a person, especially the leader of my clan. As I retreated, I hear Noah call for me to come back, and then soon after a gunshot. At first I had assumed she shot at me, but it appeared that the shot was in the other direction. Though it seemed I would pay for doing so, I ran back towards her. Even if I was exiled, she had a place to take me, and there was trouble near her. As I ran to the fullest extent possible, I tripped over, and noticed as I hit the ground that the smell of blood was much stronger then before. I coughed slightly, taking it in before standing slowly. I limped slightly towards Noah, and noticed that she had shot Vamparagon in the head, which caused me to regurgitate. It was sickening enough that I nailed him and felt his body collapse from within, but she had shot him. I was about to yell at her, before I noticed that the body was in a different location.

Noah told me that after I left, he had stood, and tried to assault her. I was shocked, and this thought was far beyond my level of comprehension. The corpse of Vamparagon had stood, and tried to attack Noah. Things were more serious then just a band of cannibals hunting flesh after all. I closed my eyes, pondering for a moment, before she nudged me to follow her to the weapons cache. I sighed, and ran off with Noah to get a weapon with a little more power then a pipe. We ran together for a long time, before we came face to face with another TR member. We didn't know if they were one of these cannibals or just someone wandering around. I readied my weapon before Noah grabbed my arm with her own, and whispered that we should walk around, to avoid any unnecessary conflicts before the time that we would have the firepower to back us up. I hastily followed, holding the thought that one less would make a difference in the long run, but Noah seemed to have experience with these things, and I didn't want to be eaten on my 20th birthday.

Last edited by Xusha on Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:14 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak 3359xqb
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Snukems Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:48 am


Alright. Chapter 2 addition.
All your clans are belong to us.

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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Dalganoth Hitokiri Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:50 am

There outside was a hand torn off, dripping with blood and a strange, green substance. There seemed to be a trail, so I cautioned myself and crept slowly and carefully, ready to attack if needed. I heard nothing, everything was still, I turned a corner and the blood spill seemed to stopped, I was stumpted now. I opened a door next to me and I saw something truly horrific!

Chapter 2 Addition. Coming soon.
Dalganoth Hitokiri
Dalganoth Hitokiri

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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Noah306 Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:53 am

I was waiting outside the door, telling her to follow me


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Location : *grins* In your mind... eating away at your soul till there's nothing left but emptiness ^_^


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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by chaoselemental Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:23 pm

From a distance, I saw xusha and Noah outside pale as the cloudy sky, staring at their manor, which questioned me, what was going on? So I decided meet up with them, and as I looked at the manor, I caught a glimpse at blood draining from one of the windows with a mix of green goo. Something was not right today.

This will be crucial in early Chapter 2 or possibly 3.
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Xusha Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:22 pm

The story has been updated.
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Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak 3359xqb
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Thoru Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:06 pm

I'm wandering around outside killing Zombies with 2 sword and waiting to comeinside

Probably Chapter 2 or 3.
Ruiner of Things

Zard : Thoru's Zard
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Angel of Grief Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:30 pm

how about having a mute character? /*posts an idea then flees*

Chapter 2 Addition will come soon.
Angel of Grief
Angel of Grief

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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Noah306 Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:44 pm

I take a blood sample from Xusha to make sure she's not infected as V walks in missing his arm.


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Location : *grins* In your mind... eating away at your soul till there's nothing left but emptiness ^_^


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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Veluxier Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:58 pm

A Blue Anthro Fox named Velu. Every story needs one! *flees*

Either a later Chapter 1 addition or an early Chapter 2 addition.
Perscitus Vulpes
Perscitus Vulpes

Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak Fn61jm
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Xusha Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:31 am

Story updated. Things are about to get messy.
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Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak 3359xqb
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Laken Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:02 am

After wandering for some time Xusha and Noah make it to the Weapons cache to find Angle of grief, charon, and Laken (the newest member to TR before the zombie out break, but and old friend too most of the guys in the clan) arming up with some weapons. Almost killing xusha and noah as the walked into the cache

This will be the next addition.
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Xusha Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:04 pm

Prologue added. Next update will be soon.
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Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak 3359xqb
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by wwwtoy Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:11 pm

A mage bunny human hybrid. :3.

Will come in Chapter Two :)

Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak Lumuszard
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Xusha Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:17 pm

Whereas it may seem I am being awfully selective with my writing, it actually is not. There is just a chronological order to be followed. With Chapter 1/Day 1 nearing an end, things will need to be implemented as the outbreak spreads.
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Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak 3359xqb
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Laken Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:30 pm

Also if we are going for real time seeing on how this is on march 7th when the story starts. MY birthday (in real life ) is march 10th, if I happen to live that long.
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Xusha Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:37 pm

I started it on my own birthday as an interesting plot point. If you manage to live that long, It'll be most interesting.
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Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak 3359xqb
Number of posts : 1130
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Cial Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:43 pm

Cial climbs in through a window (a safer way to travel than the halls, the ledges) with a P90 assault rifle and machete.

Oh! and a .44 magnum handgun without ammunition.
I am your mother

Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak 2djta8i
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Darre Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:48 pm

Hmm story writing seems like a fun game of sorts. The story so far is wonderful and interesting however the prologue sounds an itch too much like I am Legend.

I'm wandering around outside killing Zombies with 2 sword and waiting to comeinside
Cial climbs in through a window (a safer way to travel than the halls, the ledges) with a P90 assault rifle and machete.

Oh! and a .44 magnum handgun without ammunition.

How about I'm outside with Thoru. We had returned to the castle really early and were separately looking for a way in. Coincidentally we literally bumped into each other and searched together when we spotted Cial going through a 2nd story window.

Hard to be so original when writing about zombies. I do appreciate the compliments as of now though. I'll be sure to include that in chapter 2.
pɐɹɹǝ ʇɐןʞs ndsıpǝ poʍu

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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Mrsebi Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:37 pm

Hmmm... Im wandering around the halls looking for living people, armed with a saber, a chainsaw, and an Stell AUG assault Rifle, having discarded my regular clothes for a Russian SN-42 body armor, as well as a basic thick jacket and motorcycle helm.
In Your Head

Zard : TR: Zombie Outbreak Pinkxs
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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Noah306 Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:33 pm

We find someone in the halls and out of instinct I pull a knife out of my shoe and stab them

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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Darre Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:23 am

Taking no chances are you Noah... Make the person Shadow the Janitor.
pɐɹɹǝ ʇɐןʞs ndsıpǝ poʍu

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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Noah306 Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:47 am

He dodges slightly as i stab him in the side, causing him to bleed heavily

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Location : *grins* In your mind... eating away at your soul till there's nothing left but emptiness ^_^


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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Darre Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:59 am

Noah's conscience won't let her leave him there, Noah and Xusha take a detour to the infirmary before the weapons cache.
pɐɹɹǝ ʇɐןʞs ndsıpǝ poʍu

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TR: Zombie Outbreak Empty Re: TR: Zombie Outbreak

Post by Noah306 Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:34 am

I leave him for now while i take Xusha to safety so I'll be free to carry him. First bandaging him up and hiding him in a room locked with a key only I have.

(I could have killed him to put him out of his misery?)

Number of posts : 617
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Location : *grins* In your mind... eating away at your soul till there's nothing left but emptiness ^_^


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