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Sun May 25, 2014 6:30 am by V

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Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:43 am by V

but I renewed it.

what have YOU done today, TR?

also I'm not sure if heartbleed effected us but you should probably not change your password, the jitterbug gang are working hard and they need …

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Posting Etiquette

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Posting Etiquette Empty Posting Etiquette

Post by Xusha Fri May 06, 2011 9:47 am

Hello fellow TRians! It's been awhile since I've done something like this, and it may seem a bit redundant, but I think this sort of thing should be brought to attention. I'm going to provide a list of guidelines that should be considered while you post, or make a topic.

1. Of course when creating a topic of posting, one must read The Rules. This will save you a lot of time.

2. Watch your humor. A lot of people in the past have been hurt by serious trolling. Take into account that not everyone will like your little joke, and that cyber-bullying is slowly becoming a leading cause of suicide. This is a very serious offense, and will be judged on a case to case basis. Just know better than to cross the line, alright?

3. Stay on topic. Yes, we're all guilty of this, but when a topic about Churros becomes focused on what you had for lunch three weeks ago, people will get confused.

4. Language. Some people using TR are younger, and we are a clean community. Using profanity not only makes you look like an idiot, but it also very disrespectful. How would you like to see someone not allowed on TR anymore because a nosy parent glanced at your posts and saw some horrible profanity?

5. Try not to post meaningless things such as "lol" or the sort. The occasional meme image for light hearted, or topics of the sort is of course an exception, but a topic about AIDS awareness is obviously not the right area for such. There's a time and place for the fun, and try not to collide the two too badly.

6. This is a big one. Don't turn a perfectly good topic into a personal conversation with someone. TR has two amazing features for this, the Chat Box, and the PM system.

7. Try to make image-heavy posts in spoiler tags. Not everyone has the remarkable connection you do. This is very annoying and could freeze someone else's computer.

8. Ignore the obvious trolls. Some people in TR have been trying to troll people, and this should be bluntly obvious.

9. Use a proper title for your topics. I think this is the simplest thing on the list.

10. Try to use proper English. TR is an English community, and I think we should all respect that. Sure, some joke posts have been partly in another language, but this also applies to leet speak, and excessive typos.

Well, there's 10 golden guidelines. I'm not sure how much it'll help, but there's been a lot of issues recently with some of these, so they needed to be addressed.
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Zard : Posting Etiquette 3359xqb
Number of posts : 1130
User Points : 428104
Age : 33
Location : In Search of Unanswered Questions

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Posting Etiquette Empty Re: Posting Etiquette

Post by DigDog Fri May 06, 2011 10:18 am

Who or what is a "Churros"?

Also, while number 7 is a good rule as it is, you're having it there for the wrong reasons. I'm pretty sure images still load while they're in spoiler tags, thus slowing down people with slow connections. But, and that's why it is a good rule, it makes scrolling the page more comfortable because you won't have to look at tons of pictures you've already seen if you don't want to.
I'm not your mother

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Posting Etiquette Empty Re: Posting Etiquette

Post by Xusha Fri May 06, 2011 10:36 am

Churros are a delicious form of Spanish fritters. Quite delicious, and pretty easy to make. Pro tip: Swap water for milk. Vanilla essence and a touch of extra cinnamon than recommended make it taste much better. Be sure to try it if you can. If requested, I could give my own recipe, but for now this should suffice. Recipe
~The most delicious treat of Mexican origin

As for number seven, I figured what I posted was accurate, but I guess that I was wrong there.
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Zard : Posting Etiquette 3359xqb
Number of posts : 1130
User Points : 428104
Age : 33
Location : In Search of Unanswered Questions

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